Thursday, April 22, 2010

great start all

Ok one and all so far Lola and myself(Penelope) are the only ones to get a crew together. Shena sent a couple of photos but wanted to send different ones so we will wait for her. but she did send in a couple too l think Lola sent in a couple of great ones we will only have a few issues with who she sent that will be the appreciation factor. not sure how much work they will get done with us staring at them. but it is a sacrifice many of us will make.

now mine are not a pretty but I am hoping they might get something done

Because it we do not get anything done we will be living in one of these

ok we still need workers. so the departure date had to be changed to June 13 please help if you can

Monday, April 19, 2010

I am moving to a new planet called don't flucking bug me and I want happy thoughts. I know it is a long name for a planet but then it will be harder for other to find us. the bu(sp)lane leaves in 4 days. there we get to have kids that like us and jobs we like, and more. Plus we get great pay. we get as much time with our g-babys and when a body part goes down for the count or sags in the wrong direction we just pop it off and get a new one. I am so sorry to let you all know there has been a few problems. first we had a flat tir(ew)ing so we have to get it fixed. and the construction has been slowed down so I need all of you to help. This will be your first challenge. If we all work together we can make a perfect planet. We need construction workers. so please get some. all you have to do is get a photo of workers, tools or anything that might help use your imagination. This is what it looks like so far. help
members so far
Mari -- Isabella
Ann -- Shaina
Billie -- Lola
Cathy -- Emily
Lana -- Jo Ann
Patty -- Charlene
Sheila -- Vivian
Peggy -- Penelope(me)
Karla -- Samantha
If you woul like to join you only have to e-mail me and be given you new planet name.

Welcome to the first offical post for the first post of dfbmaiwht

ok I have been trying to figure out how everyone can keep up on every one else. so this is what I came up with I hope it works for everyone. I am going to post the rules for everyone to read and let you all know anyone may join. There is not cost and strictly for fun.
Here are the simple rule for the prep of the planet.
1. please remember this is for fun and we are going to try to keep it all positive.
and up beat. maybe even silly.
2. anyone may play this is a game a little bit of silliness that we all can be a part of and just share in the sisterhood of the planet.
3. If you are having a bad day it is ok to share but not by complaining you may however come up with a suggestion ( again spelling don't count) like I would like a rule where we don't wear pants on Fridays. we can debate and see if we want to keep it. or if we just need to vent in a happy thought way.
4. I will be sending out challenges form time to time you do not have to participate but it could be fun to try. and please use your imagination.
I am hoping this little venture will be fun for all. My thinking is everyone needs a new name one that hopeful fits the person but I would really like to keep it somewhat real so everyone playing can spell them and not feel stupid but not be close to the real name so they can play with a little carefree attitude. I would like this to be a happy retreat.
ok enough about me I would like some feed back Please pretty please.
How would you all like to talk to each other?
When playing please use your given names for who you are talking to and who you are. If you do not want me to share something just let me know and I will not but in the fun of thing I would love it if we keep it all light and fun. and able to share it if possible I will not share it all just the good stuff( HEHE)
ok more to follow later. love ya all